Amtrol® Brand water heaters and boilers

The date of production/manufacture or age of Amtrol® Water Heater(s) can be determined from the serial number.

Serial number styles/formats found are:

Style 1: S25904D40000000004
Style 2: BM 52677 BZ

Style 1: 1204D01234

Style 2: BM 52677 BZ

We are unable to decode the serial number of this style. We do know this style serial number was used prior to 2000.

Based on styling and presence of 5 digit zip code on the example data plate, this was certainly manufactured after 1963, but we suspect likely mid-late 1980’s or early 1990’s. Locating the ANSI revision date would be helpful in this instance.

Every effort is undertaken to offer you correct and concise information to assist you in determining the age or manufacture date of water heating equipment. Anytime anyone is dealing with numbers and letters in determining data, mistakes and misinterpretation are bound to happen. For this reason if you find during your research that we may have erred please contact us. In addition perhaps you have come across a brand, model or serial number format that we have not addressed. Contact us with your concerns or new submissions. Please include all pertinent information including clear and legible pictures of data/nomenclature plates.