Our most popular sections on this site are serial number age decoders for Water Heater brand listings, and for HVAC related equipment (Furnaces, Boilers, Air Conditioners, & Heat Pumps).  Each directory lists brand names alphabetically.  To find a specific brand, please do the following:

  1. Go to the appropriate HVAC directory or Water Heater directory depending on the appliance type.
  2. Select (click) the letter the brand in question begins with.
  3. A drop-down list of available brand names beginning with that letter will appear.
  4. Select (click) the specific brand name in question.
  5. The selection will take you to that specific page where one or more examples of serial number styles will be listed on information slide images.

This site provides examples of manufacturer serial number styles.  These are ONLY examplesYOUR actual serial number will differ from the provided examples!  Your actual serial number can be compared to similar styles represented on our site to help you determine the date of manufacture.  In other words, the included examples are intended to help you decipher the actual number off your HVAC or Water Heater data tag and will not be an identical match number for number, letter for letter.  These examples are listed in slide images on the appropriate pages.  Many brand pages will have MULTIPLE STYLES listed.  Please be sure to scroll through ALL style examples provided to find one that most closely resembles your actual serial number.

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