How to determine the date of production/manufacture or age of Emerson® HVAC Systems.
The date of production/manufacture or age of a Emerson® HVAC unit can be determined from the serial number.
Parent: Fedders-Airwell
Serial number styles found:
NOTE: Serial Number styles found for Fedders-Airwell are being used here. Although unconfirmed it is believed that all Fedders-Airwell brands including Emerson use these styles.
Style 1: EW020144126H
Style 2: 02J-60002
Style 3: AS298488006X
Style 4: ARM75812
Style 5: 12345AN
Style 1: EW020144126H
Week of manufacture is 3rd-4th characters
Year of manufacture is 5th-6th characters
Style 2: 02J-60002
Year of manufacture is 1st-2nd characters
Month of manufacture is 3rd character (see chart)
Style 3: AS298488006X
Month of manufacture is 1st character (see chart)
Year of manufacture is 2nd characters (see chart)
Style 4: ARM75812
Month of manufacture is 1st character (see chart)
Year of manufacture is 2nd characters (see chart)
Style 5: 12345AN
Month of manufacture is 2nd to last character (see chart)
Year of manufacture is last character (see chart)
Page last updated: 7/27/2017