
How to determine the date of production/manufacture or age of Guardian® HVAC Systems.
The date of production/manufacture or age of Guardian® HVAC equipment can be determined from the serial number located on the data plate.

Parent Company:  York

Sister or similar Brands Include:  Borg-Warner® | Coleman® | Evcon® | Fraser-Johnson® | Guardian® | Luxaire® | Moncrief® | Red T® | York®

Example serial number styles/formats found:

  • Style 1:     W0F7982700

Style 1:  W0F7982700

Description: Ten (10) character Serial number.  Begins with one (1) letter digit followed by one (1) numerical digit, then another one (1) letter digit and ends with seven (7) numerical digits.
Year of manufacture is 2nd & 4th numerical digits combined.
Month of manufacture is 3nd character, which is a letter digit.  (See chart below).

Page last updated: 13 April 2016