How to determine the date of production/manufacture or age of Utica® HVAC Systems.
The date of production/manufacture or age of Utica® HVAC equipment can be determined from the serial number located on the data plate.
Parent Company: Utica
Sister or similar Brands Include: AIRCO®, ARGO®, Dunkirk®, ECR®, EMI®, Enviromaster®, I-verter®, Olsen®, Oneida Royal®, Pennco®, RetroAire®, Ultimate®, and Utica®
Example serial number styles/formats found:
- Style 1: 160500150
- Style 2: UBC14945
- Style 3: HT11826
Style 1: 160500150
Description: Nine (9) character numerical digit Serial number.
Work week of manufacture is 1st-2nd character numerical digits
Year of manufacture is 3rd-4th character numerical digits.
Style 2: UBC14945
Description: Eight (8) character Serial number begins with three (3)character letters followed by five (5) character numerical digits
Month of manufacture is 2nd character letter digit (see chart below).
Year of manufacture is combined 1st & 3rd character letters (see chart below).
Style 3: HT11826
Description: Seven (7) character Serial number begins with two (2)character letters followed by five (5) character numerical digits
Month of manufacture is 1st character letter digit (see chart below).
Year of manufacture is 2nd character letter (see chart below).
ECR® Brands and Serial Number Styles:
A quick reference guide published by ECR® that is included here for your convenience.
Page last updated: 7 Sep 2015