Obsolete Brand of Bradford White Corp.
How to determine the date of production/manufacture or age of AERO® brand HVAC Systems.
The industry average service design life for most forced air furnaces is 15-20 years, and the industry average service design life for most air conditioning condensing units is 10-15 years. The average service design life of boilers can vary from as little as 10 years to as many as 50 years depending on the type and quality of materials used in their manufacture. Routine upkeep/maintenance, regional weather/climate, and location/placement of the mechanical systems will all play critical roles in the longevity of these systems.
See also: Estimated Useful Service Life Expectancies
Parent Company: Bradford White Corp.
Subsidiaries or other related brands:
Example serial number styles/formats found:
- Style 1: 0209 12345
- Style 2: 0306 B 1377
Legend: Year is RED; Month is GREEN; Week is BLUE
Style 1: 0209 12345
Year of manufacture can be determined by using the 1st & 2nd positions of the serial number
Month of manufacture can be determined by using the 3rd & 4th positions of the serial number

Style 2: 0306 B 1377
Note: This style from an oil-fired water heater manufactured by Aero under the Bradford White brand (after acquisition in 2002)
Year of manufacture can be determined by using the 1st & 2nd positions of the serial number
Month of manufacture can be determined by using the 3rd & 4th positions of the serial number

AERO® History¹
- Acquired by Bradford White in 2002