
How to determine the date of production/manufacture or age of Hydro-Temp® HVAC Systems.

The date of production/manufacture or age of Hydro-Temp® HVAC equipment can be determined from the serial number located on the data plate.

Parent Company:  Hydro-Temp Corporation

Example serial number styles/formats found:

Style 1:      OEBDG96A

Style 1:OEBDG96A
Description: Eight (8) character Serial number.  – 5 letters followed by 2 numeric digits (year of manufacture) and ending with a single letter.
Using the ANSI or CSA standards to determine approximate Date of Manufacture.

Most manufacturers today are required to include the manufacture compliance standard on the data tag. For the U.S. the compliance standard is typically from the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). For Canada, a common standard compliance is through the Canada Standards Association Group (CSA). Many times both standards are listed. Regardless, the specific standard will normally be listed on the data tag/plate and followed by the YEAR of the last revision (often the year is placed in parenthesis or follows the hyphen after the specific standard number). As these standards are revised or renewed approximately every 4 to 6 years, one can reasonably estimate the year of manufacture within 4-6 years from (after) the standards date.

Page last updated: 23 July 2017