Navien® Water Heater & Boiler age
How to determine the date of production/manufacture or age of Navien® brand Water Heater and Boiler Systems.
Water heaters in general have an average estimated useful service life of 10-12 years, though water quality, routine upkeep/maintenance, and location of the water heater will all play critical roles in the longevity of these systems.
See also: Estimated Useful Service Life Expectancies
Parent Company: Kyung Dong Navien Company (KD Navien), Imported by Navien America Inc.
Subsidiaries: None known
Navien, Inc. has become one of the fastest growing companies in the home comfort sector in North America and is now a leader in condensing technology, providing condensing tankless water heaters, combi-boilers, and boilers.
The date of production/manufacture or age of Navien brand Water Heater and boiler equipment can be determined from the serial number located on the unit ID data sticker(s).
The production date is typically a collective grouping of digits within the serial number consisting of between 5 and 8 digits representing year, month, and day of production.
Example serial number styles/formats found:
- Style 1: 9545J1152752044
- Style 2: 7414C14X1771143
- Style 3: 9262-20081208-1027
- Style 4: 9010-2008-114-1014
Legend: Year is RED; Month is GREEN; Week is BLUE; Day is ORANGE
→Style 1: 9545J1152752044
Year of manufacture can be determined by using the 6th & 7th positions of the serial number
Month of manufacture can be determined by using the 8th position of the serial number with letters X, Y, Z, representing months 10-12 respectively
Day of the month immediately follows the month position of the serial number

→Style 2: 7414C14X1771143
Year of manufacture can be determined by using the 6th & 7th positions of the serial number
Month of manufacture can be determined by using the 8th position of the serial number with letters X, Y, Z, representing months 10-12 respectively
Day of the month immediately follows the month position of the serial number

→Style 3: 9262-20081208-1027

→Style 4: 9010-2008-114-1014

Navien® History¹
- 1978 - Company Founded as Kyung Dong Machinery Co., Ltd
- 1982 - Launched Asia's first condensing gas boiler
- 1991 - Produced gas-fired domestic hot water boiler
- 2006 - Company name changed to KyungDong Navien Co., Ltd.
- 2007 - Acquired North American CSA certificate for gas water heaters
- 2008 - Started exports of condensing gas water heater to U.S.A
- 2009 - Acquired North America CSA certificate for Combi Gas Boilers. Established U.S training center.
- 2010 - Acquired American ASME 'H-Stamp' certificate for condensing gas boilers. Established training center in Canada.
- 2011 - Acquired American NSF Certificate for condensing gas water heaters
- 2012 - Introduced NPE-A Condensing Tankless Water Heaters
- 2013 - Introduced NPE-S Condensing Tankless Water Heaters and NCB series Combi-Boilers
- 2014 - Introduced NHB series boilers
- 2015 - Introduced NCB-E series Combi-Boilers
- 2017 - Introduced H2Air combination space heating and water heater
1Excerpts from