Whirlpool® Water age
How to determine the date of production/manufacture or age of Whirlpool® brand Water Heater Systems.
Water heaters in general have an average estimated useful service life of 10-12 years, though water quality, routine upkeep/maintenance, and location of the water heater will all play critical roles in the longevity of these systems.
See also: Estimated Useful Service Life Expectancies
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Example serial number styles/formats found:
→Style 1: 1104T403904
→Style 2: 0128104380
Legend: Year is RED; Month is GREEN; Week is BLUE
→Style 1: 1104T403904
Year of manufacture can be determined by using the 1st & 2nd digits of the serial number
Week of manufacture can be determined by using the 3rd & 4th digits of the serial number

→Style 2: 0128104380
Year of manufacture can be determined by using the 1st & 2nd digits of the serial number
Week of manufacture can be determined by using the 3rd & 4th digits of the serial number